The Soar Foundation

Child Safety

Child protection is something Soar takes very seriously. We have policies and procedures to try to ensure the safety and welfare of the young people we meet.

In order to maximise the safety and welfare of all young people…

that take part in Soar programmes, it is essential that our Child Protection and Welfare policy meets all legal criteria.

The wellbeing and protection of all young people is our biggest priority. We implement a Youth Protection Policy that is communicated to all members of staff, participants, families and carers. Our policies are reviewed by The Soar Foundation’s designated liaison person every year, or more regularly if it is required.

It is the duty of each individual representing or working with Soar to be familiar with the protection policy and to adhere to it. Soar will ensure this by providing appropriate briefings and training to all personnel.

Preventative work is a key factor in promoting wellbeing, particularly if the young person is vulnerable or at risk. The prevention and detection of child abuse or neglect requires a coordinated multidisciplinary approach, effective management, clarity of responsibility and on-going training. The right assessment is crucial to determine the possibility of abuse or negligence.

When there are reasonable grounds for believing a child or young person may have been, or is at risk of any form of abuse or negligence, Soar will proceed according to the steps laid out in its Youth Protection Policy. All those working for and on behalf of Soar are Garda Vetted.

Child Protection Training is provided to all working for and on behalf of Soar every school year.

Download our policies in PDF format